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Course Registration

Registration for courses is done via UNIGRAZonline. The dates will be published in UNIGRAZonline and on the website of the School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences.

All registrations are initially placed on a waiting list. For lectures (VO) and other courses without participant restrictions, a fixed place will be allocated to all registered participants. For courses with limited number of participants, places will be allocated according to set criteria (SOWI 1, SOWI 2 and SOWI 3). The time of registration is not important for the ranking. Further information can be found here. Course registrations can be cancelled at any time during the registration period.

The places for the courses are allocated in the allocation week. For more information, please refer to the UNIGRAZonline guide and the allocation week schedule.

Start Department End
6.9.2024, 1.00 p.m. Sociology (319) 15.9.2024
6.9.2024, 1.30 p.m.
  • Economics (320)
  • Public Economics (322)
6.9.2024, 2.00 p.m. Business Education and Development (331) 15.9.2024
6.9.2024, 2.30 p.m.
  • Accounting and Auditing (325)
  • Accounting and Control (330)
  • Center for Accounting Research (346)
  • Accounting and Taxation (344)
  • Economic, Social and Business History (354)
6.9.2024, 3.00 p.m.
  • Human Resources Management (326)
  • Organization and Economics of Institutions (334)
  • Accounting and Reporting (335)
6.9.2024, 3.30 p.m.
  • Marketing (327)
  • Finance (328)
  • Banking and Finance (333)
  • Corporate Leadership and Entrepreneurship (337)
6.9.2024, 4.00 p.m. Operations and Information Systems (355) 15.9.2024
6.9.2024, 4.30 p.m. Center of Entrepreneurship and Applied Business Studies (349) 15.9.2024
See respective Department Lectures 30.6.2024


Detailed Information on the Allocation Week:

Initially, up to 100% of the places in the dummy courses of the SBWLs are allocated according to SOWI 3.

Those students who have a confirmed place in the dummy courses have to register themselves for the SBWL courses via UNIGRAZonline from 3 p.m. Selfregistration is possible until Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 11.59 p.m.

At the same time, it will be possible to cancel course registrations for SBWL courses until Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 11.59 p.m.

Students who have questions about the SBWLs (e.g. regarding registration) should contact the respective department directly.

Students who meet the requirements according to the curriculum, but could not register for technical, organizational or content-related reasons, please contact the office of the respective department directly. Excluded from this are students who have to meet requirements, students with co-registrations, students who are enrolled in an individual program as well as registrations for elective courses if you cannot register via UNIGRAZonline. These students should please contact the Dean’s Office directly.

As a first step, up to 80% of the places in the courses are allocated according to SOWI 1.

As a second step, another 20% of the places in the courses are allocated according to SOWI 2. By 4 p.m. at the latest, the allocation of places for that day shall be completed. ATTENTION: The SBWLs are excluded from these steps!

From 4 p.m. until Wednesday, Septem,ber 18, 2024, it will be possible to cancel course registrations.
Students on the waiting list will automatically be given a fixed place, should one become available.

Processing of applications for registration for elective courses and registration.

The places in lectures (VO) are allocated.


Further Important Information:

What would you like to register for?

The registering for lectures is possible during the entire semester. For organizational reasons, all registrations are on a waiting list until the end of the allocation week. In any case, attendance of the lecture is guaranteed, since there are no capacity restrictions for lectures. However, a separate registration for the examination within a certain period of time is necessary. The cancellation of the registration for an examination without continuous assessment is possible up to 48 hours before the examination date.

The deadlines for registration for the examinations and cancellation can be viewed in UNIGRAZonline.


If you want to register for an SBWL course, you must first register for the corresponding dummy course during the registration period.
IMPORTANT: It is important that you set a priority with regard to your SBWL course choices. There are four priority levels in total. “1” stands for the highest, “4” for the lowest priority. A course allocation with SOWI 3 is only possible if a priority was set. Each priority can only be set once and only in one study program. If you are enrolled in more than one study program which includes the completion of SBWLs, you have to decide via which study program you want to register.

On the first day in the allocation week the places in the SBWL registration courses are first allocated. If you have a confirmed place in the SBWL registration course, you must register yourself from afternoon onwards for the SBWL courses that you would like to attend in the respective semester. If you have not registered for a course, it is assumed that you do not wish to attend a course this semester. As a result, your registration for the SBWL registration course will be cancelled.

If you want to attend the seminar from the SBWL, you must register yourself during the registration period via UNIGRAZonline.

Students who have questions about the SBWLs (e.g. regarding registration) should contact the respective department directly.

Registrations for elective courses are made by the Dean’s Office if self-registration via UNIGRAZonline is not possible. Excluded from this are registrations for lectures. These are open for all fields of study.

Please fill in the form and send it by email to sowi.studium(at)uni-graz.at during the registration period.

Course Registration

Please fill in the form electronically (only complete the fields highlighted in white).

Access to the form outside the university network is only possible via uniVPN (Cisco AnyConnect). Detailed information about this can be found here.

Subject: Registration for Elective Courses

Course registration is based on the capacity of free places in the allocation week.


The registration for Examination by Committee takes place in the Student Services Center of the School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences.

Detailed information can be found under “Registration for Examination by Committee”.

Students who are allowed to attend individual courses cannot register for the courses themselves (lectures are an exception). Registrations for courses with continuous assessment are made by the Dean’s Office.

Please fill in the form and send it by email to sowi.studium(at)uni-graz.at during the registration period.

Course Registration

Please fill in the form electronically (only complete the fields highlighted in white).

Access to the form outside the university network is only possible via uniVPN (Cisco AnyConnect). Detailed information about this can be found here.

Subject: Course Registration - Attendance of Individual Courses

Course registration is based on the capacity of free places in the allocation week.


Who would like to register?

Students who have to meet requirements cannot register for the courses themselves (lectures are an exception). Registrations for courses with continuous assessment are made by the Dean’s Office.

Please fill in the form and send it by email to sowi.studium(at)uni-graz.at during the registration period.

Course Registration

Please fill in the form electronically (only complete fields highlighted in white).

Access to the form outside the university network is only possible via uniVPN (Cisco AnyConnect). Detailed information about this can be found here.

Subject: Course Registration - Requirements

Course registration is based on the capacity of free places in the allocation week.


Students who are admitted to study at another university and wish to take examinations for this program at the University of Graz (e.g. elective courses) cannot register for the courses themselves (lectures are an exception). Registrations for courses with continuous assessment are made by the Dean’s Office.

Please fill in the form and send it by email to sowi.studium(at)uni-graz.at during the registration period.

Course Registration

Please fill in the form electronically (only complete fields highlighted in white).

Access to the form outside the university network is only possible via uniVPN (Cisco AnyConnect). Detailed information about this can be found here.

Subject: Course Registration - Co-Registration

Course registration is based on the capacity of free places in the allocation week.

Students who are enrolled in an individual Bachelor’s or Master’s program cannot register for the courses themselves (lectures are an exception). Registrations for courses with continuous assessment are made by the Dean’s Office.

Please fill in the form and send it by email to sowi.studium(at)uni-graz.at during the registration period.

Course Registration

Please fill in the form electronically (only complete the fields highlighted in white).

Access to the form outside the university network is only possible via uniVPN (Cisco AnyConnect). Detailed information about this can be found here.

Subject: Course Registration - Individual Program

Course registration is based on the capacity of free places in the allocation week.


Incoming students who want to attend courses on Bachelor level have to register themselves for all courses within their field of studies via UNIGRAZonline during the registration period. If you are unable to register yourself for the desired courses, please fill in the formCourse Registration for Incoming Students” and send it by email to the Academic Advisor Christian Hirt.

Incoming students who want to attend courses on Master level cannot register for the courses themselves (lectures are an exception). Students who want to register for courses on Master level have to fill in the formCourse Registration for Incoming Students” and send it by email to the Academic Advisor Christian Hirt. Course registration takes place after consultation with the Academic Advisor and her or his approval.


Please include your student ID with all inquiries sent to us so that we can process your request. 

Email communication is only available via the email account assigned to you by the University of Graz.


Faris Polutak

Phone:+43 316 380 - 6817

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