Course Examinations
A separate registration for the examination is only required for courses without continuous assessment (lectures).
Instructions on how to register for examinations:
If you would like to register for an Examination by Committee, please fill in the form below and send it by email to
The examination method is to be taken from the examination description in UNIGRAZonline and selected accordingly in the form.
The department will submit the composition of the Examination Committee.
Registration is done via UNIGRAZonline to the Examination Committee agreed with the department.
At the School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, numerous examinations are taken in digital form. For digital course examinations, there are basically no special features regarding registration and cancellation of registration. The explanations under “Registration” also apply to digital course examinations.
However, for digital course examinations, the following additional information should be noted:
The organization of the digital course examinations is the responsibility of a specially established organizational unit, the Department for Faculty Infrastructure (A.F.I.).
One day before the start of the respective examination, the exam schedule (dates and rooms) will be announced on this website. Admission to the examination premises with ID check takes place approximately 10 minutes before the actual start time for the respective examination date. After entering the examination room, follow the instructions in the Information Sheet on Dgital Course Examination for Students. This information sheet is displayed on the monitor of the PC.
The examination starts with the opening of the digital course examination. The digital course examination takes place within the previously determined examination period in the designated rooms and ends with the submission of the examination (this is also possible before the end of the examination period) or automatically after the end of the examination period. However, it is always possible for students to end the examination at any time (explicitly or by implied action). Leaving the room in which the examination takes place equates the termination of the examination by the student (implied action), and leads to a fail of the examination (see § 25 para. 7 Laws Governing University Studies).