Doctoral Exam
The Doctoral Exam is an oral, comprehensive subject examination by committee conducted in a single examination procedure. Further information on the doctoral exam is available in the curriculum (§ 6 para. 5 and § 11 para. 1) as well as in the Laws Governing University Studies (§§ 27, 28, 29 and 31).
The subject of the doctoral exam are the two chosen specialization subjects “In-depth Research Methods in Social Sciences and Economics” (subjects C to H) (cf. § 11 para. 1 Curriculum for the Doctoral Program in Business, Economics and Social Sciences).
Examination Dates
hree examination dates are offered for each semester, so that six examination dates are available per year. The Dean of Studies determines examination weeks for each academic year in which the doctoral examinations are held.
Examination Committee
The examination committee shall consist of at least three persons, one of whom shall be appointed as the chairwoman/chairman. One examiner must be provided for each subject (cf. § 26 Laws Governing University Studies). As a rule, the examiners shall be university teaching staff with a teaching qualification pursuant to § 98 para. 12 or § 103 UG, for those subjects in which they hold their teaching qualification (cf. § 31 Laws Governing University Studies).
The current list of Examiners can be found here:
Exam Registration
Registration is only possible within the registration period specified for this purpose and in compliance with the registration requirements according to the curriculum. The registration period lasts at least two weeks and ends one week before the examination date.
The registration for the doctoral exam requires a doctoral thesis topic (exposé) approved by the Dean of Studies as well as the positive assessment of the courses from the two chosen specialization subjects “In-depth Research Methods in Social Sciences and Economics” (subjects C to H) (cf. § 7 Curriculum for the Doctoral Program in Business, Economics and Social Sciences).
Registration for the doctoral exam is done using the appropriate form in the Student Services Center of the School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences. Please submit it by email to sowi.doktorat(at)
Registration for the Doctoral Exam |
Please fill in the form electronically (only complete the fields highlighted in white). Access to the form outside the university network is only possible via uniVPN (Cisco AnyConnect). Detailed information about this can be found here. |
Cancellation of Exam Registration
Students are entitled to cancel their registration for the examination no later than 48 hours before the examination time (cf. § 29 Para. 3 Laws Governing University Studies).
If students are absent from the examination without an excuse, they will only be readmitted to the examination after eight weeks or at the next but one date (cf. § 29 Para. 4 Laws Governing University Studies).