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Admission to the Study Program

Admission to the Doctoral Program in Business, Economics and Social Sciences requires the completion of a Master's Program of at least 60 ECTS credits or a Diploma Program of at least 240 ECTS credits at a recognised domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution in the field of social sciences and economics or in a field that is meaningfully related to social sciences and economics, as well as the qualitative admission requirements according to § 2 para. 3 and the required language skills in German or English according to § 2 para. 4 of the curriculum.

All applicants must submit the following application documents (in accordance with Section 2 (6) of the curriculum) to the Dean's Office of the School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences:

  • Admission form (completed in full and signed by a first supervisor)
  • a research outline (Forschungsskizze) stating the preliminary dissertation topic (max. 1,500 words, plus bibliography) including a description of the underlying theories and methods;
  • Letter of motivation (max. 600 words);
  • Proof of the required language skills;
  • List of necessary financial or material resources of an academic unit of the University of Graz (if required);

Application for admission is made via the application tool in UNIGRAZonline. After receipt and formal review of all required documents, a selection committee of the responsible Doctoral School decides on admission to the program. The enrolment for the Doctoral Program is then carried out by the office of Academic Affairs (Studienabteilung) at the University of Graz.

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