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Job quality of refugees in Austria: Trade-offs between multiple workplace characteristics

Donnerstag, 18.06.2020

Neuer Beitrag im "German Journal of Human Resource Management" von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Renate Ortlieb und Dr. Silvana Weiss


Job quality of refugees in Austria: Trade-offs between multiple workplace characteristics

Do employers tend to exploit refugees or do they offer them high-quality jobs? This article examines the job quality of refugees from Afghanistan and Syria working in Austria. It uses unique survey data of 316 refugees and cluster analysis to identify job quality profiles. Drawing on well-established job quality frameworks, it considers multiple dimensions of job quality, including pay, job security, overqualification in terms of level and content area, learning opportunities, at-home feeling and health aspects. The findings reveal four job quality profiles with considerable trade-offs or compromises between job quality dimensions. Furthermore, the job quality profiles are associated with the methods refugees use to find a job. The study enhances understanding of labour market integration of refugees and the associated role of human resource management.

Ortlieb, R. und Weiss, S. (2020): Job quality of refugees in Austria: Trade-offs between multiple workplace characteristics, in: German Journal of Human Resource Management, pp. 1-25, doi: 10.1177/2397002220914224.


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