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Higher frequency hedonic property price indices: a state-space approach

Mittwoch, 20.05.2020

Neuer Beitrag im Journal "Empirical Economics" von Univ.-Prof. Rober J. Hill, PhD, Dr. Michael Scholz et al.


Higher frequency hedonic property price indices: a state-space approach

The hedonic imputation method allows characteristic shadow prices to evolve over time. These shadow prices are used to construct matched samples of predicted prices, which are inserted into standard price index formulas. We use a spatio-temporal model to improve the method’s effectiveness on housing data at higher frequencies. The problem is that at higher frequencies, there may not be enough observations per period to reliably estimate the characteristic shadow prices. In such cases, the reliability of the hedonic imputation method is improved by using a state-space formulation which yields estimates of the shadow prices that are weighted sums of previous periods’ information. In addition, the state-space representation of the model includes a geospatial spline surface which significantly reduces the number of parameters to be estimated when compared to the standard practice of including postcode dummies in the model. Empirically, using a novel criterion, we show that in higher frequency comparisons, our hedonic method outperforms competing alternatives.

Hill, R. J., Rambaldi, A. N. und Scholz, M. (2020): Higher frequency hedonic property price indices: a state-space approach, in: Empirical Economics, pp. 1-25, doi: doi.org/10.1007/s00181-020-01862-y [11.4.2020].


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