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Montag, 20.11.2017

Neuer Beitrag im "Review of Managerial Science" von Ass.-Prof. Dr. Robert Rybnicek, Ass.-Prof. Dr. Sabine Bergner und Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred Gutschelhofer


How individual needs influence motivation effects: a neuroscientific study on McClelland's need theory

In this study, we investigate motivation theory using neuroscientific methods as a new lens of analysis. More detailed, we neurally test the assumptions that (1) heterogeneous rewards may result in similarly rewarding effects and (2) that these effects are enhanced if a reward closely matches an employee’s need. Therefore, we conducted an fMRI-study (n=44) in which participants completed decision tasks before receiving the heterogeneous rewards high income, respectful leadership and a company car. Additionally, participants provided information on their need for achievement, affiliation and power. Our study demonstrates that a closer matching between the type of reward and the participants’ individual needs results in stronger neural activations in the reward circuitry. These findings support key assumptions of McClelland’s need theory on a neural level and further promote a personality-based approach to work motivation. From a practical standpoint they suggest need-tailored reward systems for organizations and an increased use of rewards other than money.

Rybnicek, R., Bergner, S. und Gutschelhofer, A. (2017): How individual needs influence motivation effects: A neuroscientific study on McClelland’s need theory, in: Review of Managerial Science, doi: doi.org/10.1007/s11846-017-0252-1 [31.10.2017].


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